Sometimes I don't feel confident.
Do you find that surprising?
The truth is that everyone lacks confidence at times in their lives, no matter how collected they may appear to be.
Each of us is gaining knowledge about the other and ourselves. Everybody is attempting to determine the best approach to manage their relationships, real estate business, and other aspects of life.
Because we can't foretell how new events will turn out, we may feel uncertain about ourselves. We may experience anxiety, fear, or frustration when we are uncertain of our outcome.
The good news is that confidence is more like a muscle that, as you continue to exercise it, grows stronger over time.
Action increases your confidence.
The hardest obstacle to overcome is really taking the initial step into a new situation. As a result, if you are putting off something you really want to undertake because you lack confidence, consider these methods to get started:
1. Recognize your skills and strengths as a first step. Look backwards. You've accomplished a lot of wonderful things. You have managed to advance once more to the point where you are now despite experiencing failures. Put that information to good use.
2. Step two is to choose. You are in possession of knowledge. All we can ever do is consider the available data and choose the course of action that best suits the circumstances at hand. Make no second guesses. Make the decision, then take the next action. You will at the very least get additional knowledge to help you decide differently, and you can do that!
3. Celebrate your victories. No matter how big or small, every victory you achieve is progress. We feel terrific as people when we are moving forward. Recognizing your progress is essential for building momentum since it shows that you are accomplishing your goals!
Your confidence will grow as you keep working toward your goals.
You can do it; it's a step-by-step process.
Take action now!
Piece by Tanya Gordon, author of over 15 eBooks. She is Certified in NLP (how we operate), Hypnotherapy (unconscious communication) and Timeline Therapy (recognizing your beliefs about mindset and sales (money) – and recognizing that of your customer). She has studied the psychology of human behaviour and has proven absolute authority and true expert on mindset and sales techniques. She has ‘walked the walk‘ so her content and programs are highly practical and focused on results.
The Real eState™ Playground is mindset and sales coaching for female real estate agents.