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Tanya Gordon

How Assumptions And People See Things Affect Decisions About Real Estate

People make decisions based on what they think and what they think they know. This is very true in the real estate business. A prospect's perception is how they use their senses to understand something, and an assumption is what they think or decide based on their perception. Every person comes with their own ideas and beliefs, which can have a big impact on how they look at properties and make decisions.

For instance, a client may want to see a home after reading about it online. The house may seem perfect because it's the perfect size, the suitable price, and it's in a neighbourhood that everyone wants to live in. But when they pull into the driveway, the hammering and pounding make it clear that there is a lot of construction going on in the area. Even though it is noisy, the client may still go inside.

Once they're inside, all of their senses are heightened and stimulated. The house smells clean, and there is a light scent of freshly baked bread or cookies. The client thinks that this home has been well taken care of because it is clean and people have time to bake. People like to buy homes that have been well taken care of. But if the house was dirty, had paint chips, a cracked window held together with duct tape, and smelled like pets, a potential buyer might think that this house would need a lot of work.

People who are selling their homes often think that it is worth a lot more than it actually is.

This is because of how people think about the house. The sellers probably have a lot of memories connected to their home. Every moment of their lives up to this point has been a part of the home they are about to sell, so it makes sense that it's worth a lot to them.

So, it makes sense that sellers want buyers to feel the same way about the house as they do. The buyer will want to get the most value for their money, but buyers and sellers often have very different ideas about the value of the same home. Every buyer comes to the table with their own ideas and assumptions.

By being as honest and factual as possible, you can help clients change how they see things. You  won't be able to change their minds, but you can be professional and stable while giving honest answers and factual data. It's important to stay neutral and not give too much personal or emotional opinion. You also shouldn't force your own ideas and beliefs on the client. If they ask you a question and you don't know the right answer, tell them that. Don't tell them something just because you think it is true. Follow up by saying that you will find out and give a factual, nonjudgmental answer in a certain amount of time.

But buyers and sellers aren't the only ones who make assumptions and have ideas. The real estate agent, like everyone else in the office, makes assumptions based on what they think they know. For their jobs, agents also need facts and real information. By giving accurate and up-to-date proof and information, you avoid making assumptions and acting based on how they feel.  The task is to remember that everyone makes assumptions and to learn how to tell when your perceptions and assumptions are causing you to make bad decisions.

In conclusion, assumptions and how people see things are very important. Every person comes with their own ideas and beliefs, which can have a big impact on how they look at properties and make decisions. As an agent, it's important to stay factual, open, and neutral, and to give clients honest answers and unbiased information that will help them make the best decisions. 

Accurate decisions based on facts can move a business forward. Just remember that your loyalty must be to the agent you work with and the clients you represent.

🥂Until next time Happy Selling!


P.S. Those of you who have made it this far deserve a medal; I admire your dedication. Let's take the next 15 minutes to chat through Zoom and introduce ourselves.

Piece by Tanya Gordon, author of over 15 eBooks. She is Certified in NLP (how we operate), Hypnotherapy (unconscious communication) and Timeline Therapy (recognizing your beliefs about mindset and sales (money) – and recognizing that of your customer). She has studied the psychology of human behaviour and has proven absolute authority and a true expert on mindset and sales techniques. She has ‘walked the walk‘ so her content and programs are highly practical and focused on results.




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