I want to help you wrap up your 2019 and decade properly in time for an exciting new year and decade come 2020. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been focusing on how to let things that need to fall away and how to flow with your manifestations currently. I wanted to help you map out and set yourself up for manifesting success in 2020!
Now, something really exciting that I’m offering completely FREE is my annual 7 day Manifesting Challenge! This is starting on the 1st January 2020 and every day for 7 days you’ll receive an email from me with a challenge to complete all designed to help you kick start your manifesting in 2020. So if you haven’t yet signed up to join us please do here as you certainly won’t want to miss my annual challenge.
But before we get onto the manifestation side of things because while my free challenge certainly will set you up for success in 2020 we’ve got a few other things to take care of before we start setting intentions.
So here are my top tips for setting yourself up for manifesting success this year!
Create The Space
In order to get clear on your intentions for the year ahead you’ve first of all got to create the space in your life. This means dealing with any emotional baggage from not only 2019 but this decade! It’s important to deal with these things now before you start setting your intentions as actually you’ll probably find by addressing and dealing with the past it will give you a newfound clarity on what you want to change moving forward. So over the next few days, this is a time for healing, addressing your wounds and really being honest with yourself on what you need to let go of now and allow to fall away. You don’t want to repeat the same mistakes for another year so deal with these now to allow you to enter 2020 with a new perspective and lighter. When you create space in your life by clearing out the old you are energetically opening the door for new abundance to be able to come into your life.
Give Gratitude for 2019
The next step is to do a review of your year, so make a list in your notebook and reflect upon all the great things that happened this year for you. This is a really powerful journaling exercise because collectively we’ve had a tough year getting to this new energy so I know for many it won’t feel like 2019 has been the best year yet! This practice will help you to put into perspective the miracles, manifestations and happy moments that did happen this year despite the hardships. Once you’ve created your gratitude list for the year you can create a ‘what I’d like to change next year’ list where you journal down all the lessons you’ve learned in 2019 and what you’d like to change next year. This will ultimately help you to decide your themes, intentions and mantra’s for 2020.
Plant The Seeds
Next after your reflection exercises, it’s time to plant those seeds! This is a time of reflection but equally a great time to start planting the seeds of intention for now until Spring time. What ideas would you like to work on during the winter months? This could also be a great time to start thinking about your goals list for 2020, also what mantras and words you’d like to manifest in 2020 and this new decade. For example ‘ease’ was my word for 2019 so if you feel drawn to choosing a mantra for the year definitely start to plant these seeds over the winter solstice.
Create Your Vision Board
As we enter into the last week of the year and festive celebrations this is the perfect time to create your 2020 vision board. I love creating a mini vision board each year to accompany my overall vision board. I love being able to set the intentions for my year ahead using words and pictures. So if you’d prefer to get crafty rather than simply writing down a list then this is the task for you! You could even put your word or mantra for the year on this vision board to really create your theme. Make sure to get really detailed and put down places you’d like to visit as well as keywords you’d like to feel throughout the year. Once you’ve finished your vision board for 2020 you can either put this up where you’ll see it regularly or put it safely in your manifestation box if you have one to surrender it. Make sure you take the time to physically create a vision board rather than doing one on Pinterest because I do really feel there is a great energy behind being crafty and taking the time and effort to do these things, it’s much more personal!
Break It Down
Last but certainly not least is to break it down now MC Hammer style! Take your goals list and vision board and break them down into manageable steps or inspired action that you can take each month. So for instance, if you want to manifest a new career or finding your purpose – what would be your inspired action to co-create with the Universe?
With all of your manifestations, you can’t just sit back after setting the intention and expect the Universe to go 90% of the way this is all about balance and co-creation. So use your vision board as a strategy plan for the year ahead, what steps will you need to take in January, February and so on to reach this goal? This is how you continue the momentum past the hype of January by breaking your goals down and working towards these steps each month.
So there you have it guys five great ways to set yourself up for manifesting success in 2020 and in this new abundant decade!
As always please do let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section down below.
I hope you have a great weekend whatever you’re up to and I’m sending you all lots of love!

About Tanya
Tanya Gordon, MNLP, MTLT, MC.Ht is a Global Mindset & Performance Coach who coaches people to perform optimally and produce breakthrough results personally and professionally. Ultimately to tap into and harness their full potential. As an authentic, and inspirational coach and mentor, she partners with professionals, teams in the community to create transformations and lasting results.
Discover how to be more consistent and what it takes to stick to your goals.
To contact Tanya:-
Email: info@elementsofempowerment.ca