As a mindset, business and a sprinkle of spiritual coach who's worked with many clients and coaches women first-hand on how to launch and attain their dream real estate businesses, I totally get why some people are hesitant to invest in a coach. It's a scary thing. you feel it's too expensive. You wonder if it's really worth it and whether you'll see incredible results.
So many new real estate entrepreneurs think they can just figure it all on their own. That was me when I started my real estate business. I was so pumped about launching and telling everyone. I thought that as long as I took a couple of 'other courses', read a bunch of blog posts, paid for leads, had a pretty website and Facebook™ page, went to office meetings, signed up for every Tom Ferry and Buffini seminar, that would be enough to start seeing the clients roll in. WRONG.
This was definitely not the case for me. And if I'm being totally real with you, I remember my business was a complete fail with a whooping $500, even thought I was busting my ass every single day and #doingallthethings for an entire year!!
Keep in mind that up until this point, I had already been working for myself as an online health and fitness coach and grew up in an entrepreneurial family, but couldn't seem to crack the code on this new business venture of real estate.
Even though I thought I was doing all the right things, I really wasn't. I wasn't clear on what exactly I wanted to do, who I wanted to help, and what exactly I was going to help them with. Sure real estate seems pretty straight froward, until you are put out in all the noise.
I lacked confidence because I just wasn't sure what the hell I was doing. I was just throwing things to the wall and hoping something would stick.
I felt like such a failure. I was ready to call it quits!! To become a statistic.
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Fundera, approximately 20 percent of small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30 percent of businesses will have failed. By the end of the fifth year, about half will have failed. And by the end of the decade, only 30 percent of businesses will remain — a 70 percent failure rate.¹
I was trying everything I could to get clients and nothing was working. That's when I knew it was time to hire a business coach and it completely changed the course of my life and business
So how do you know if it's time to hire a business coach? Great question.
It's time to hire a mindset business coach if you...
Have spent more than a few months (or even years!) trying to do it on your own and getting absolutely zero clients or just a few clients here and there, nothing consistent.
You’ve been dreaming about doing it for like forever and just haven’t taken any action yet because you’re not sure what steps you need to take.
You feel like you’re trying EVERYTHING and nothing is sticking.
Your business is making you feel burned out, which is not how you pictured your real estate entrepreneur journey feeling.
You know you really want to start an as a real estate entrepreneur and don’t want to waste any time working on things that don’t matter and instead establish the right foundation for your business right from the start.
Do any of these sound like you? If you're thinking, OMG YES!! Then hiring a mindset business coach might just be your next best more in order to start seeing major results in your real estate business.
Below, I'm sharing a few ways hiring a business mindset coach will change your life and business.
Clarity & Mindset
Clarity and mindset was a struggle for me when I was first getting started and this is such a huge piece. Your business clarity and mindset is the foundation of your business. If your clarity and mindset is fuzzy, it's like building a house on sand. It's just not going to work.
Shortcut To Success
Of that first years in my business that I spent trying to figure things out on my own, I would say at least 90% of what I was doing didn’t really need to be done. Why? Because I didn’t know any better! And when you don't know better, you can't do better. I was just guessing my way through hoping and praying something would work.
The beauty of working with a mindset business coach is that they have a system that works, which means no more playing the business guessing game. Instead, you’re focusing your time and energy on the things that will work and will deliver some major results.
It’s basically a shortcut to success because you’re not driving around for miles and miles feeling lost and aimlessly looking for your destination. Instead, you have a GPS that’s literally guiding you through the path to get to where you want to be in the shortest amount of time possible.
All you have to do is show up, do the work, and trust the process. That’s when building a business becomes an easy, fun, and effortless process.
Working with a mindset business coach also means you have someone to keep you accountable to your goals. So if you’re someone who needs that little extra push to get things done, business coaching will be a game-changer for you.
For example, I give my clients tasks and plenty of playbooks (or as I like to call it fun work!). So they’re actually getting something done that moves them closer to their goal of launching and growing their dream real estate business.
That accountability alone will motivate you to move mountains and give your the momentum magic. That’s exactly why people who work out with a fitness coach get abs and people who just have a gym membership don’t because there’s no one there to keep them accountable to actually show up and do the work (Been there, done that too).
Confidence Boost
One of the biggest things that was holding me back from having full confidence in myself and my real estate business was the fact that I just felt unsure if I was doing things right.
Working with a coach, cleared all that up right away. I felt like such a #ladyboss and #basass afterwards because I knew exactly what I needed to do to create a successful business and remove all the noise.
Your confidence and your mindset is just as important if not more, when it comes to having a booming business. You can be the best in the world at what you do and have so much value to share with your clients but if your mindset and self-belief isn’t strong... guess what? You’ll ultimately self-sabotage your success.
Mindset work has been absolutely crucial to the success of both of my businesses. That’s exactly why I cover this with my 1:1 clients. So if you’re lacking confidence in your business, feeling paralyzed by fear, or have limiting beliefs constantly on repeat in your mind, then it might be time for some mindset and business coaching so you can finally step into your power as a woman and as an real estate entrepreneur.
Fast Transformation
One of my favorite benefits of working with a business coach is the fact that it produces fast transformations. My clients are always amazed by how much they’re able to get done during the time we work together.
One thing they didn't tell me in school was that, starting a real estate business is not easy. Just like a puzzle, there are a lot of pieces to it. More than you realize. It’s more than building a website and Facebook™ page, buying leads, free seminars and office meetings. Having a certified and expert’s support, accountability, and a business road map for success means that you can get from point A to point B super quickly.
If you want to learn how to succeed at something, it’s much easier and faster to just learn and model from someone who’s already done it rather than spend months or even years trying to figure it out yourself. You are not meant to do it alone.
Tap Into Their Expertise
Working with a mindset business coach also means you get to tap into their expertise. You get personal attention and customized advice for your business. You’re able to learn from their mistakes. You have an expert pair of eyes to look at your business from an outsider’s perspective and see the flaws that you’ve been missing. This makes building your real estate business so much easier.
People think that all they need to see results in their business, is the right information, the right system or the right strategy. While yes, it is super helpful to learn the information, the system and the strategy, the reality is that it will only get you so far. What you really need in order to see success in your real estate business is support and that’s exactly what a mindset business coach provides.
Having someone there to not only encourage you but also answer all of your questions, review your work, and ensure you’re implementing the steps correctly is absolutely priceless. That is what creates results. Not the information on its own.
High Return On Investment
Okay, now let’s talk about money. The biggest excuse I hear from women is that they don’t have the money to invest in a business coach right now, which I totally get.
When I hired my first business coach, I didn’t have the money sitting in my bank account either. In fact, I had a hefty balance on my credit card that I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay back.
On the outside, it probably seemed absolutely crazy to invest more money into my business and pile on more debt. But I believed in myself and I knew the return on investment was so much bigger and guess what? It was!
After just a few short months of working with my business coach, I landed my first client and immediately paid off the investment. And here’s the part that hurts. Had I just hired a coach from the beginning, I probably wouldn’t have spent an entire year trying to figure things out on my own. That was my 'first' business coach 14+ years ago. #ThanksMillie
Years after I earned my Master Coach NLP certification, from a world renowned master trainer (even bigger game-changer), I hired my first NLP Master Coach and Trainer and now apply the same techniques and methods in my coaching program. It's tried, true and tested to the tune of 6-figures in 6 weeks.
Learn from my mistake. Invest in yourself sooner rather than later— like right now. A few months from today, you’ll be way farther in your real estate business than you’d be if you try to go at it alone. I promise you it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made and a tax write-off!
Now I know that using a credit card to pay for coaching isn’t for everyone and that’s cool. I’m just sharing my personal experience. Let's just to put things into perspective for you and say you have a credit card with zero interest for a year. The coach you want to work with charges $5,000 for her program. If you pay that off over a year, that’s only $416 per month.
I’m betting you probably spend that much on going out to dinners and buying yet another pair of shoes you don’t need. Wouldn’t you say that’s a pretty low price to pay to be able to start your dream real estate business in a few short months, have consistent clients, and take your business full-time? Hell yes! It’s more than worth it. #BestROI
Whenever you’re thinking about making a big investment in yourself and your business, think about the dream version of you that’s already on the other side of that investment. The you a few months from now that’s getting paid to do something she loves and being a #ladyboss and #badass business woman. What would she say to you?
Would she say “nah save your money, it’s not worth it?” Or, would she say, “Do it! You’re so worth it beautiful.”
So many women I speak to, say they really want to work with a coach but then start getting into all the excuses and limiting beliefs. I deeply believe that is even a bigger reason to start. Where there is a will there’s a way. If hiring a business coach is something that your intuition is telling you is the next right step, do it. That’s the universe guiding you.
Have a great week ahead and as always, if you need anything, just drop into The Real Estate Playground Facebook group or send me an email.
Curious how Mindset Business Coaching can help you achieve your results? Schedule a call with my online calendar. Reach out and let’s talk. Let’s see how together we can work towards helping you achieve the results you want and be your very best.
Looking to discover how to do the things you know you should but don’t? Grab a copy of my free PDF guide The Real eState of Mind Playbook
Works Cited 1. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/361350