CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it to the final day!
If you were able to keep up with the challenge most or all days you have created a habit. If not, even one day is still a benefit. You can always come back and start over with Day 1 any time you want a refresher!
Gratitude is one of the biggest gifts you can give to yourself and those around you. Not only will you attract more good but you will radiate a higher, more positive energy that everyone around you will feel and appreciate. What a gift to give to family and friends.
The important thing is to keep these practices as a daily habit. Modify them to fit your life, but REMEMBER to give thanks. For an extra reminder, you can sign up for daily inspirational emails and get your FREE abundance meditation here. And finally, here are our final gratitudes of the challenge:
1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.
2. Scan back over YESTERDAY and make a list of all of thing things for which you are grateful. Try to really stretch your mind to remember even the little things! Then say, “Thank you” for each of those blessings you mention. People who are new to this type of thing have a hard time thinking of gratitudes, but they find with practice it gets easier. I’ve seen this time and time again in groups I’ve hosted. And the great thing is, they feel happier when they develop this skill. And research backs this up as fact!
Thinking back and reliving the good moments in your life, actually CHANGES YOUR BRAIN STRUCTURE to that of a more happy person!
3. Start doing this on a regular basis. Think about TODAY, YESTERDAY, and even beyond, and list all of the gratitudes that come to mind.
4. For extra inspiration and knowledge read Day 28 of “The Magic” book. You might also want to read (or get the FREE audio trial of) “The Secret”for even deeper understanding.
5. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.
What did you discover about yourself during this challenge?
Please share your insights below. Also, let us know what you will do to celebrate making it to the final day of The Magic Gratitude Challenge! Great work!!
If you would like to find out more about the SCIENCE behind these techniques, as well as increasing your ability to implement happiness in your life and that of others, please feel free to reach out to me persoanlly anytime at tanya@elementsofempowerment.ca. And most of all, THANK YOU for being part of The #MagicGratitudeChallenge!
About Tanya
Tanya Gordon, NLP, TLT, C.Ht is a Global Mindset & Performance Coach who coaches people to perform optimally and produce breakthrough results personally and professionally. Ultimately to tap into and harness their full potential. As an authentic, and inspirational coach and speaker, she partners with professionals, teams in the community to create transformations and lasting results.
Discover how to be more consistent and what it takes to stick to your goals.
To contact Tanya:-
Email: info@elementsofempowerment.ca
Web: www.elementsofempowerment.ca