Are you noticing a difference when you do the exercises?
Do you feel your energy getting brighter?
Even if you are not sure, keep trying. Today we give thanks for the gift of life and health – something so easy to take for granted when we get caught up in periodic “fires” that might arise. But if we focus on what a gift it is JUST TO BE ALIVE, everything else tends to fall into place.
1. Repeat steps one to three of Magic Practice Number 1 - Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you're grateful. Reread your list, say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel gratitude for each one.
2. Write “The gift of health is keeping me alive,” and read it with feeling at least 4 TIMES today. On at least four occasions, read the words very slowly, and feel as grateful as you can for the precious gift of health!
3. If you have the book, read the inspiration for Day 4. Posted on Empowering Your Life
4. Before bed, hold your magic rock and say thanks for the best thing that happened today.
What do you think or feel about today’s exercise? Please share below.
I am grateful for my health and how it shows it appreciates me. Its a symbiotic relationship that when we work together it is reflected back to me.. if I take care of my health my body and mind take care of me.. it makes me feel good about myself and keeps me healthy to continue living my life doing the things I enjoy everyday. I am grateful for my health and the opportunity to keep working together for a long life. Thank you.
Awesome Dave! Thanks for sharing, this reinforces people’s beliefs as well.
I have always had gratitude for my health and have always expressed it to myself, I believe this is why I rarely have health problems and when I do they are short lived.
Today’s challenge only re enforces the how and why I am so grateful.
Thank you