Well hello Mindset Monday!

What is it about Mondays that puts everyone in a mood (and I don’t mean a good one)? End of the weekend. Going back to work or school. No more fun for five whole days. Yadda, yadda. I get it. However, that does NOT have to be the case. The mission with Mindset Monday is to help change the negative stigma attached to Mondays towards more of a motivational one. Choose to start the week off on the right path. We. Can. Do. This.
New week. New start. Fresh mindset.
Yes! Mondays are the beginning of a new week. A fresh start. A chance to do something great, be productive, set some goals, and CHANGE YOUR MINDSET! Life is all about how you perceive things to be. Are you a “glass empty” or “glass full” type of person? Are your thoughts and beliefs about yourself moving you forward or ensuring you remain exactly as you are? I encourage you to take inventory of your mindset today (and every day, for that matter).
Do you have any thoughts that might be holding you back or limiting your progress? Are you thinking and speaking words of encouragement over yourself, your situation, your life? Be honest.
Take a few moments and write your thoughts down. Are there any you are not particularly fond of? Any negative thoughts holding you back? If so, only YOU have the power to change them! What are you waiting for? Start with Mindset Monday.
Dear Mindset Monday,
Today, I am going for it. Today, I am getting out of my own way. Today, I am going to stop overthinking, over processing, and over analyzing. Today, I am taking the first/next step. Today, I am stepping out of my comfort zone. Today, I am claiming victory. Today, I am successful. Today, I am welcoming the journey. Today, I am on top of my game. Today, I am…me.
What are you thinking about today?
About Tanya
Tanya Gordon, NLP, TLT, C.Ht is a Global Mindset & Performance Coach who coaches people to perform optimally and produce breakthrough results personally and professionally. Ultimately to tap into and harness their full potential. As an authentic, and inspirational coach and mentor, she partners with professionals, teams in the community to create transformations and lasting results.
Discover how to be more consistent and what it takes to stick to your goals.
To contact Tanya:-
Email: info@elementsofempowerment.ca