What stops so many people from changing their lives is a lack of momentum. They feel daunted by the sheer size of the task ahead and so recent back to inertia. It is so much easier to just trudge along and pray that one day it gets better.
I get up 6:00 a.m. every morning Monday to Friday to get in my cardio and attend my business coaching session, ironically enough, is called Momentum Maker. It was a severe shock to the system at first, and as the first few months went on, I thought to myself, "What am I doing up this early?"
My beautiful coach suggested I get up at the same time when it's quiet and get the cardio done, followed by my coaching sessions. So I took her advice. It was the best thing I have ever done. This is part of my self-care rituals.
In the hours prior my coaching call, I set about to listening to podcasts while doing my cardio, eating breakfast and getting ready to start my day.
I had truly engaged upon my journey of a thousand miles and it began with a single step - setting aside a couple hours a day. So what lessons have I learnt from this experience?
1. Find just two hours a day and see what you can accomplish.
It’s the discipline of finding that couple of hours in which to start your masterwork that makes the journey truly begin. I swapped the hours I was giving to sleep for an hour in my gym and coaching sessions.
Examine your week. Could you get up an hour early five days a week, or one day a week? Is your dream important enough to give up a couple hours of sleep?
2. When you do something strictly, regularly, and without fail, it becomes a habit.
It was the fixing of a set time each day that would not be broken, come hell or high water. I used to wake up grumpy, wanting to hit snooze, but I never broke that appointment with myself. I already had shown I had the discipline to do this from training for my fitness competitions.
3. A single step if followed by another step becomes a journey of a thousand miles.
Taking the first step is one of the hardest parts, so avoid thinking about the end destination. If you were going to walk for a thousand miles, you would probably give up if you kept thinking, “How am I going to walk that far?”
So just think about achieving small steps.
4. There is magic in momentum.
Once the weekly or daily routine has set in, it becomes a firm habit. Then you start to see progress and begin to feel proud of what is forming in front of your eyes.
You might be building a website or starting your marketing plan, and that little bit of regular effort begins to create something amazing. If you are trying to tackle a physical goal, like running a marathon, your regular discipline will, over time, lead to increased strength and endurance.
That is Momentum Magic. Once the flywheel has got over the enormous effort to begin moving, momentum takes over and the wheel begins to turn on its own using momentum. This is what you will find once the habit is engrained.
5.once you have that magical momentum, Keep Going.
It might have been tempting to stop the early morning habit when, so I could get some more sleep. But having seen the magic of momentum, I then plunged myself into it.
Don’t make the mistake of pausing or losing momentum. Launch into the next project, the next book, the next painting, the next marathon, the next idea, the next website. Keep that morning habit.
6. Leave that magical hour for your dream.
Avoid been tempted to do administrative tasks in that golden hour. Try to make that hour as productive as possible.
If you are painting, then get your palette ready ahead of the golden hour (choose the paints and have the tubes of paint lined up).
If you are a real estate entrepreneur, have your calendar done and your to do's written up so that you can launch into the first appointment.
If you’re training for a marathon, have your clothes and shoes ready so you have the full hour to run.
Equally, promoting your masterpiece should be confined to other times of the day. If you are building a website or listing presentation, just focus on it. Leave the social media promotion to another time.
7. An hour becomes much much more—just wait and see!
The clever thing about limiting yourself to one hour a week or two hours a day is that before you know it, you are doing tasks relating to that hour at other spare slots in your week. The momentum creates excitement; you see that you are making serious progress, and this spurs you on to more; at least, that how it works for me.
Go and take your first step on that thousand-mile journey!
To your empowerment,