Cognition – or thoughts – are what determine how persons understand the world around them and act (or react) within it. At their root, cognition is based on one’s belief system.
What you believe about yourself and the world determines your thoughts about it, which in turn determine your actions. With a few exceptions, every human action is part of a set of thinking processes.
Your cognitive abilities are the brain-based skills required to complete any task – from the simplest to the most complex. Instead of being based on actual knowledge, these abilities are more closely associated with the way we learn, solve problems, and remember.
Recent research has found that the brain is not a fixed, limited system that only degrades with age. Instead, it has “plasticity,” the ability to change. Not only can the brain change but it can also create new neurons and connections between neurons throughout our lifetime.
Brain plasticity or neuroplasticity is the capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself as it responds to stimulation, specifically learning and experience. When you learn a new skill, it actually changes the structure and function of the brain. It all has to do with the wiring and firing. The older brain develops “grooves” in processing. Once a particular way of doing something or looking at something becomes a habit, it becomes harder to change. The plasticity of the brain competes. The stronger the plasticity in a direction, the less likely another pathway is going to become prominent. This is why when you try to learn a new language, the mother tongue usually wins out.
The more a person engages developing plasticity, the more neuro-connections, the faster the speed, the more options, and choices, greater the skills, the easier the problem solved.
Elements of Empowerment has NLP processes that help people develop neuroplasticity and increase neuro-connections in the brain. The result is that a person has more information available to solve problems, learn, communicate, make decisions. Developing neuroplasticity also slows the aging process and memory loss that appears as people age. They are more aware of what they see, hear and feel in a conversation and have more choices with which to respond than the average untrained person. This translates into higher quality relationships, better jobs, more money, less stress, and happier, more confident people.
Tanya Gordon is the C.E.O and Founder of Elements of Empowerment. She is a Leader Professional Coach & NLP Practitioner. She tweets @elementsempower, can be found on Instagram as well @elementsofempowerment and can be contacted at