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Real eState of Mind™ Mantras That Will Empower you For The New Year

Tanya Gordon

What is a mantra for your Real eState of Mind??

Mantra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning a “sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel.” The word mantra is said to come from a root meaning, “that which protects the mind”. A mantra is used in meditation and can also be used for mind protection.

The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle. So literally a mantra is a vehicle to transport the mind.

“Like a seed planted with the intention of blossoming into a beautiful perennial, a mantra can be thought of as a seed for energizing an intention.”
Tris Thorp, Master Educator, The Chopra Centre for Wellbeing.

Success Mantras for 2022

These mantras for success will help you create habitual thoughts that support your long term success this year. Read through them and see which one really stands out to you because that will let you know which one will help you.

Get excited because many successful people started just where you are right now, searching for success positive mantras to capture the power of their own Real eState Mind™!

  1. My thoughts and actions create abundant prosperity for me now and always.

  2. I am always finding success everywhere I go.

  3. People support my success and want to see me achieve my goals.

  4. I am a very positive person, and people want to work with me.

  5. 2022 is my year, and I align with what I want and allow the flow of abundance to bring it to me. I use my intentions to actualize my intentions.

  6. I am a very successful person and I exude great energy.

  7. I am genuine and dedicated, and people sense my good character.

  8. I am attracting opportunities that allow me to manifest my goal.

  9. I am at ease and know that everything is working out.

  10. I am open to receiving great prosperity now.

  11. I am worthy of great success.

  12. My life is full of positive friendships, great health, and joyful experiences.

Make Success Mantras a Daily Habit

Mantra recitation is a time tested practice that has the best results with consistency. Find a way to make it fun for yourself so that you enjoy using the mantras.

A few ideas to make it fun include:

  • Saying the mantra 5 times in the mirror while smiling as big as you can.

  • Recording yourself saying the mantra (or mantras) and listening to it right when you wake up and right before going to sleep.

  • Grabbing a journal that you like and making it your personal success mantras journal for 2022!

Record the things that happen as you use your mantras each day, and it will help build momentum for you to become successful.

Remember, your mindset matter!

Until next time




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