How to Get Unstuck in Life and Business
How often do you feel stuck? The truth is we all get stuck in sometimes. Whether it’s because of a significant event like the loss of a loved one, a relationship breakdown or losing our job. It’s understandable to feel stuck and helpless at such times. However, it’s those times when we feel stuck for no apparent reason, or for something we judge as insignificant that erodes our sense of self and worthiness. Stuckness is ‘The state or fact of being unable to move or progress; the feeling of being stuck.’ Importantly, it’s uncomfortable and when we don’t know how to get unstuck, we tend to fall into a state of defeat or defiance. Furthermore, either state means it is difficult to take action so we fail to do the things we know are important.
Here are six ways to help you get unstuck next time it happens to you.
When we are defiant, the usual way for high achievers and driven real estate professionals we tend to berate ourselves. Moreover this only causes us to feel worse which means it becomes difficult to take action. Being hard on yourself actually makes it more difficult to get unstuck
First, if you are a high achiever, it’s hard to admit that you are stuck. You are likely to become defiant. This means you beat yourself up and often say phrases like, “toughen up and push through,” or, “just get over it.” The problem with this strategy is when you fight your stuckness you often make it worse, as I learned many years ago. When I felt stuck I simply toughed it out.
While it’s a human thing to get in our own way and to get stuck from time to time, we aren’t taught many other successful ways how to get unstuck. However, over my years of professional and personal development and coaching people, I have tried and tested many better ways to get unstuck.
Six ways on how to get unstuck quicker than ever before
1. Be compassionate and treat yourself with kindness. Just like everything in the universe has cycles, so do you. You are a human being, not a machine. If you wake up feeling out of sorts and stuck, realise it’s part of life! While it might not be in your plan for the day, it happens. First, admit you are feeling out of sorts.
2. Give yourself the gift of pausing. Stop, reflect and deal with how you are feeling and what you are thinking. Sit down quietly and take a few minutes to focus on your breath. Just observe your thoughts because most of them are the same ones replaying over and over again. Furthermore, this simply keeps you stuck. In the space of stillness, you have more chance to find a positive learning, which when revealed, will help you understand the source of your stuckness. Moreover, you can then start to change it, but only if you take the time to listen carefully to what is going on inside. At the very least you will increase awareness of your thoughts and feelings, and you will be disciplining your mind.
Take a few minutes to journal what you are thinking and feeling right now
3. Grab a pen and notebook and write down how you are feeling and what is going on for you right now. Do this without shame, judgment or guilt. Also, journaling is a proven way to clear out any negative emotions and feelings of stuckness. It helps create space for new creative ideas and forward movement. My term is it’s like a ‘subconscious’ vomit!’ When you shine the light on your feelings and negative thought patterns, you are helping to dissolve their power. Much of what keeps you stuck is your old patterns and programs still running in your subconscious mind. Moreover, as your subconscious mind is powerful, they tend to shape and influence your results without your awareness.
Give yourself permission to do something that makes you feel good
4. Give yourself permission to go and do something that fulfils you at the deepest level. Even if it’s only thirty minutes, it will help you shift how you are feeling and help you get unstuck. If you are unsure what makes you feel good, reflect on when you were young. Also, practice connecting this feeling to the current activity. For myself, it’s physical activity. When I am exercising, pushing my body physically, I feel connected to myself and a higher power. This gives me a foundational positive emotion for my life and to reconnect with when I am feeling out of sorts. it has also become a keystone habit in my life. What do you love to do that gives you a great feeling?
Give yourself permission to take some time out and replenish your energy with something you love to do
5. Connect with your goals and your future vision. Anything you can do to steer your mind away from being stuck, from repeating the past feelings and stories to what you genuinely want, helps interrupt your stuckness. What is important in your life and what do you value? Also, writing these down means you can check-in and use for in the future. Change the way stuckness become like a cloud that continues to blur your future.
The sixth and most important tip for how to get unstuck
6. Create a strategy for any future times of stuckness. How often in life do you have a plan for when things go wrong? Just like failing to plan is planning to fail, so is failing to prepare for challenges and unexpected hurdles. This is my GOLD strategy.
Write your goals and future vision in a book where you can find them easily. Having everything in one place keeps it simple and clean. Add in pictures of what you want, or draw your goals in pictures, as your subconscious mind responds well to images. Add your favourite sayings and quotes, and write down your own positive statements.
When you read these frequently, you are focusing on retraining your brain and creating a new program that supports your future desires and goals.
Write down the qualities you desire to achieve your goals and the values that are important to you in your life.
Record your small wins and have a gratitude page.
Create your own plan for how to get unstuck
Label a page ‘What to do when I am feeling stuck.’ On this page, simply create a strategy for getting unstuck. Remind yourself you are human and therefore you will get unstuck. Furthermore, know that it is normal. However, when you write out a plan you have a simple strategy to turn to that will help you get unstuck. Be as creative as you can and keep it simple. Here is an example:
When I feel stuck, I will:-
Stop and breathe for two minutes.
Connect with my goals and my ‘WHY.’
Read my positive statements and inspirational quotes.
Take time out to write down what I am thinking and feeling right now.
Reflect on my successes.
Consider three things I am most grateful for.
Identify one small action to take right now.
With a clear plan and strategy, you are equipped to get unstuck faster
Now you have a clearer plan and strategy to follow. Instead of being pulled by your negative emotions and overthinking head, punishing yourself for not being perfect or doing enough, you have an alternate plan. Furthermore, it becomes a central place for keeping your focus on what you want.
Finally, remember growth and change may be painful sometimes, but nothing in life is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t belong. Create yourself a plan to help you how to get unstuck and one that will help you navigate yourself out of the fog and into forward momentum.
About the Author

Tanya Gordon, is a Global trained certified NLP Master Coach. Tanya coaches real estate professionals who have a desire and commitment to creating peak performances in their personal and professional lives. Focusing on revealing and clearing redundant hidden patterns, changing perspectives, and creating new habits and behaviours to achieve consistent sales. Tanya empowers people to clear their obstacles, reprogram their minds and unlock their full potential.
Lasting results are an everyday occurrence. Guaranteed.
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Looking to discover how to do the things you know you should but don’t? Grab a copy of my free PDF guide The Real eState of Mind
To contact and connect with Tanya:- Email: hello@elementsofempowerment.ca Web: www.elementsofempowerment.ca
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