I did a recent poll to over 50,000 real estate students and professionals and were asked; “If you could say in one word what you want more of in life, what would that be?”
What’s so intriguing to me about the answers (below) is that it’s becoming more and more obvious that the things we humans desperately long for today are not only universal and timeless, but also have become even more elusive and impossible to sustain, even as we “evolve” and develop in this tech-frenzied, time-crushing world.
Of all the things people indicated they want more of, the following were the top 3 most frequently mentioned. Here’s my take on what’s missing in business and life today, and why we can’t get enough of these precious ingredients.
#1: Happiness Biggest challenge: “Not knowing what I want to do.”
The #1 mentioned missing element - Happiness — seems it has become so hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain. In my work with real estate women, I’ve seen that happiness continually escapes them because, first, they lack understanding to exactly what will make them happy. They just need to get to know themselves more. Secondly, they search outside themselves for happiness - in a job, a husband, a family, a title, a paycheck, a fancy house. As a result, Happiness seems constantly out of their control and a perpetual moving target that never stands still long enough for them to grasp. I’m not saying that these things don’t bring happiness - of course, they can. The key point is that if everything you’re searching for remains outside of you, you’ll always be scrambling and chasing. Happiness is an inside job.
#2: Money Biggest challenge: “Not having enough money or time to accomplish the things I want to do.”
I’ve worked a millionaire real estate professionals, as well as people who earn mid-six figures and far, far less. Isn’t it fascinating that no matter what we earn, we somehow feel we never have enough? I know people with literally over a million dollars in their retirement accounts, yet they live in such a constant fear state around money that they never have a moment’s peace. The question is: how much money do you really need to bring about the life experiences that will truly fulfill you? And if you want more money, do you understand the key principles and behaviors required to generate it?
#3: Confidence Biggest challenge: “Feeling like I have something to offer now, rather than feeling constantly as if I’m not ready and need more training.”
I’ve seen in working with hundreds of women over 15+ years that we humans only see what’s at the tip of our noses. And when we’re in situations that are hurtful, demeaning, challenging and worse, we lose confidence. We get rocked. We forget who we are, and what we are capable of, and see only the person in front of us who’s yelling or the colleague who’s tearing us down.
It can be tough world out there, if you let it, but there are many ways we can stay true to our gifts and capabilities, and build our confidence. For that, we need support from others who believe in us without fail. We need to build our “tribe” of people who will do anything for us. And we need to believe in ourselves without fail, despite the evidence around us that says we’re not “ready” to soar.
What is the one thing YOU want more of in life and business? And what can you do this month and year to finally create it?
Regardless of what your beliefs are or how your current behaviours are displayed in your life- you can change anything that isn’t working for you or servicing your desires. With my coaching program, you can create a dynamic and beneficial relationship with money that will meet and exceed your personal and professional goals.
Tanya Gordon, is a Global trained certified NLP Master Coach. Tanya coaches women real estate entrepreneurs who have a desire and commitment to creating peak performances in their personal and professional lives. Focusing on revealing and clearing redundant hidden patterns, changing perspectives, and creating new habits and behaviours to achieve consistent sales.
Tanya empowers people to clear their obstacles, reprogram their minds and unlock their full potential. Lasting results are an everyday occurrence. Guaranteed.
Curious how Mindset Coaching can help you achieve your results? Schedule a call on my online calendar. Reach out and let’s talk. Let’s see how together we can work towards helping you achieve the results you want and be your very best.
Looking to discover how to do the things you know you should but don’t? Grab a copy of my free PDF guide The Real eState of Mind
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