Have you ever heard the phrase "what you focus on grows"?

You might wonder why it's relevant right now. Aren't we going to discuss business and gratitude? Exactly.
First, let us ask you something: what’s your “work personality”?
Are you primarily concerned in solving problems? Is dealing with emergencies your primary job, and all you do is treat it like a video game by mentally racking up "points" for each duty you complete?
That isn't always a bad quality for someone with extensive business experience. Would you agree, though, that concentrating primarily on difficulties will also increase the number of problems you have to deal with? Your mind will become more perceptive and begin recognizing unresolved difficulties everywhere if your attention is continually focused on looking for them.
Positive actions, like thankfulness, follow the same principle: if you emphasize them, they will also grow in number.
Why Is Thankfulness Vital in Business?
Holidays in October (Canadian) and November (American) have a way of reminding us all of the importance of thankfulness in both personal and professional situations. However, we don't have to keep our displays of gratitude for the holidays. Gratitude has a seat at the table all year long for a real estate salesperson. Why?
How do I express appreciation to clients?
It goes without saying that you should always be polite and considerate while dealing with customers. But after the deal is closed, you want to do a little more than shake hands. The saying is true: "The way to success is paved with good intentions." You may have every intention of being more appreciative to your customers and circle of influence, but unless it's part of your business plan, it's unlikely to happen. Making "gratitude and giving back" a key component of your goal is your first step, so to speak.
Think of several ways you could express your gratitude to customers all year long. Perhaps a modest gift basket is brought after closings, or a brief message is sent following a successful showing day. Consider who else in your circle has helped your business recently or who can recommend a referral for you to include in your outreach of thanks. Set a set time each week to complete these quick acts of gratitude. If it's planned into your schedule, it won't get overlooked when things get busy.
Planning out your acts of gratitude and charitable endeavours may seem a little mercenary, but if you don't make room for them now, they'll be the first things to disappear when things get a little busy. Additionally, making plans for these activities can help you be more alert to prospective possibilities as they present themselves.
A solid referral network and recurring business are both based on a dual strategy. When someone has a real estate need, you need to be at the top of their thoughts, and you also need to offer genuine value. More than any amount of salesmanship, going above and beyond to express sincere gratitude for a relationship will go a long way toward fulfilling those two requirements.
How to express appreciation to a team?
The relationships you have with your team members matter just as much as your ties with clients if you manage a real estate team. Seriously, you have just as much of a business without a happy crew as you do without happy customers. Your company will benefit from how much gratitude you show to your staff if the team dynamic lives on thankfulness in the same way that client relationships do.
Similar to how clients benefit from intentionality, so will your thankfulness. Your business plan should include internal "gratitude and giving back" strategies so that you may put them into effect.
Adding appreciation to your core beliefs could be a smart beginning step. By doing this, you can discuss it more candidly at team meetings, training sessions, and other gatherings. Your team and community will benefit more from these values the more intentionally you cultivate them, and you'll adopt them into your behaviour more quickly.
Recognize your team members frequently for their accomplishments and contributions. Business owners and team leaders now more than ever need to show genuine appreciation for the individuals they work with as the nation struggles with a lack of qualified workers and people reevaluate what they want from their employment.
According to research by the American Psychological Association, appreciative workers are far more motivated to provide their best work and are also less inclined to look for new employment. Make sure every member of a complex team you lead feels personally appreciated. The success of the company depends on a variety of jobs, not all of which will be as spectacular or evident as closing big sales.
A straightforward but effective strategy to enhance the value of the work you do every day is to incorporate commitments to giving and thankfulness into your business. The more you show how important your team, clients, and sphere of influence are to you, the more they will value what you do for them. No matter the season, you should and can always bring thankfulness to the table.
Piece by Tanya Gordon, author of over 15 eBooks. She is Certified in NLP (how we operate), Hypnotherapy (unconscious communication) and Timeline Therapy (recognizing your beliefs about mindset and sales (money) – and recognizing that of your customer). She has studied the psychology of human behaviour and has proven absolute authority and true expert on mindset and sales techniques. She has ‘walked the walk‘ so her content and programs are highly practical and focused on results.
The Real eState™ Playground is mindset and sales coaching for female real estate agents.