Your Business Needs a Foundation
You need a plan if you want to be a successful real estate agent and build a solid, profitable business. I'm talking about a written business plan in this case. Your business will be built on your business plan. To build and grow your real estate business, you'll need several things.
A Good Plan
A Strong Work Ethic
real estate agents have a high failure rate
There are a lot of real estate agents who fail. Did you know that studies show that more than 75% of agents fail in their jobs within the first five years? That's a very large amount and there are many reasons why agents fail.
No Customers
Runs Out of Money
Not Enough Training
Not Enough Drive
No matter what the reason is, they all have the same thing in common:
They don't do well because they don't have a good plan to do well.
They don't have a plan because they think it's easy to be a real estate agent and that business will just come to them.
They think they are smart enough to do everything on their own and figure out what they need to know.
When that doesn't 'happen', they run out of money, get scared, and go back to a "safe" 9-to-5 job.
But things don't have to be like that.
Activities that don't bring in money
As soon as you become a real estate agent, you need a plan. A plan helps you stay on track with your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and goals. So many agents I've seen and talked to do what I call "busy work." These are things that make it look like the agent is working. These things don't make money for their business, but they make the agent feel like she is working.
How do you know if you're just filling time?
If you are always going to classes to learn how to use your MLS, doing research on buyer programs, or going to real estate seminars or motivational seminars, you are probably stuck in the busy work minefield.
All of these are things that don't make money but can be done during slow times.

Activities that bring in money
For activities that bring in money, the goal is to meet people who might want to buy or sell real estate. If you don't have a prospecting plan, it's hard to get clients. If you don't have a plan, all you can do is hope and wish for clients.
Having hope is NOT a plan.
You need a plan for prospecting, which is part of your business plan as a whole.
What activities will you do over and over again to get clients?
There are a lot of choices for you to make:
Attend networking events
Talk on the phone
Plan coffee breaks, lunches, and dinners.
Go door-to-door
Hold seminars
Hold open houses
Once you know what activities you want to do regularly, write down how often you will do each one and how many potential clients you hope to gain. Setting a goal for each activity will help you stay on track and stay focused.
As an agent, it's important to remember that no one is watching you to make sure you're working. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but nobody cares. No one will call you up to see if you have any clients. (well except me 😁.)
You have to be self-motivated and put yourself in a place where you can ask for the business.
Your success is dependent on you.

Write A Business Plan
Most agents don't even have a plan for their business, let alone a written plan.
They will say it's all in their heads. But take a moment to think about all the other things going on in your life.
It's easy to lose track of your "mental" business plan or forget parts of it. Also, it's hard to keep track of your progress without a written business plan. Every year, you'll need to figure out what activities helped your business the most. If you don't keep track of how many calls you made, open houses you held, or doors you knocked on, it will be hard to know where to spend your time and money.
It's easy to write a business plan.
Writing a business plan doesn't have to be hard or tiring, but it does require some thought.
Where did your last year's business come from last year?
What activities of prospecting led to results?
What things did you do to find new customers that didn't work?
How much did marketing and advertising cost you?
How much did you get back from the money you spent?
You should think about what a reasonable sales goal is and what you will do to reach it.
Don't write down a number that you just make up.
What was the average price that you charged?
How much did you make on average?
Think about your strengths and weaknesses
Get off to a good start any day you choose.

Writing a business plan isn't hard, but it does take some time and thought. The time you spend on it, though, will be well spent, I promise.
Be prosperous and let's get started!
Tanya ❤️
P.S. Those of you who have made it this far deserves a medal; I admire your dedication. Let's take the next 15 minutes to chat through Zoom and introduce ourselves.